
Are You Enough?

Are You Enough?

I’m not enough! This is one of the most common statements I hear at Abundant Grace. It’s also one I’ve said about myself….not pretty enough, not thin enough, not smart enough, not friendly enough. Perhaps this is a thought Eve had in the garden. After all, the...

How Did Jesus Counsel?

How Did Jesus Counsel?

Years ago, I was deeply involved in studying the methodology of Jesus’ teaching, not the message but the methodology.  In my desire to minister I sought to learn from the Master. I wanted to be one of those disciples that followed Him around. His counsel was...

Backwards brain bicycle

Backwards brain bicycle

Don’t try this at home Here is an experience that is safer to watch rather than to participate in. Imagine yourself trying to retrain your mind. Take a few minutes and put yourself in this situation. Does it take effort on your part? Does it come naturally to you?...

The Disciple Jesus Loved

The Disciple Jesus Loved

~ by John Graham John 20:3-9 So Peter went out with the other disciple, and they were going toward the tomb. Both of them were running together, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. And stooping to look in, he saw the linen cloths lying...

What do you think about that?

What do you think about that?

~ by John Graham Recently a client expressed a problem he was having. He was constantly reliving memory pictures of his past. He said his mind would wander to the times of rejection and bad experiences of childhood abuse. The feelings of the past haunted him.  As...

What is Cognitive Dissonance?

What is Cognitive Dissonance?

by John Graham Why do I have conflicting thoughts? The term for this conflict is called Cognitive Dissonance.   What is Cognitive Dissonance? Wikipedia defines it as: "This is the feeling of uncomfortable tension which comes from holding two conflicting...

We are here for you!

We are here for you!

We are here for you with online video counseling, to offer hope and encouragement! The AGI staff are praying that if we can help you find hope and encouragement during this time that you will contact us and make an appointment for online video counseling.  If you...

Passion Week

Passion Week

 I’m glad we don’t know the future.This is Passion Week—the week before Jesus went to the cross.He knew the future and told the disciples many times that he would die. They didn’t understand and did not support Him during His greatest need.The human part of...

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