by AGI | Sep 12, 2023 | Blog
by Renée Berry A time of catching up with one of my sister-friends often includes talking about our relationship and circumstance struggles. This involves confessions of the flesh-producing lies in which we are entangled. After all, confession is good for the soul...
by AGI | Aug 31, 2023 | Blog
00:00 ~ by Wild At Heart Mary broke the neck of the jar open and slowly poured some of the perfume on Jesus’s head and then poured the rest on his feet. Then she did something extremely intimate and scandalous. She unbound her hair and wiped his feet with it, even...
by AGI | Aug 22, 2023 | Blog
~ by Mark Maulding Every time I preach, teach, or counsel, I ask this question at some point. Why did Jesus come to live inside you? Before you read further, how would you answer? Most answers include truths such as: “To save us from our sins”; “To...
by AGI | Jul 19, 2023 | Blog
00:00 ~ by Wild At Heart The more you give the parts of your life over to Jesus, the more his life is able to invade yours. The relief alone is worth the price. Last night Stasi and I were at a dinner party with friends we love and enjoy. It was one of those occasions...
by AGI | Jul 8, 2023 | Blog
00:00 ~ by Wild At Heart Jesus says that as our Good Shepherd, he is leading us. What an encouraging thought. Jesus is leading you, and he is leading me. He is shepherding us. I can feel something in my heart loosening even now as I consider this. Okay. I don’t...