by AGI | Apr 17, 2019 | Blog
I’m glad we don’t know the future.This is Passion Week—the week before Jesus went to the cross.He knew the future and told the disciples many times that he would die. They didn’t understand and did not support Him during His greatest need.The human part of Jesus...
by AGI | Apr 13, 2019 | Blog
Have you ever been reading your Bible only to stop on a verse that is familiar to you, but you see and understand it differently than ever before? As you read it over again you hear God giving you more insight into a verse you thought you knew? What you experienced in...
by AGI | Apr 9, 2019 | Blog
It's Not Too Late! There is still time to get in on our Advanced Discipleship Training (ADT) offered here in Greenville, starting April 25th. More...