Kim Morris
I have been in ministry all my life and have been called to assist others in their spiritual journey with Christ. I have a desire to minister to others out of my relationship with Christ. My priority is to have that personal relationship and then allow the Holy Spirit to flow through me. I know that Christ is in me and I am in Christ. I realize that my identity is in Christ and I cannot believe the lies of the enemy but stand on truth. Truth shall stand strong in my life and those I help. His Word shall not return void, but will accomplish what it was purposed. (Isaiah 55:11)
I have worked in Chaplaincy with people that have gone through various traumatic events. I have empathy for those that have had traumatic experiences. I want to be a comforting presence as I listen with a heart of grace. Along with this, it has been a passion to assist others in discipleship, as they grown in their relationship with Christ. This is where my Christian Education background is helpful. It is a joy to see how people can have one mindset when beginning and then a totally different one as they learn and grow.
I learned in my Biblical Counseling masters about different types of therapy, but have seen this type of counseling to really impact and change the client for the good. It is amazing that as they learn and grow that they can take what they have learned and apply it to their lives in other areas of trouble. I have a heart to help those that have experienced some type of loss and need to get to the point of a new normal.
We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us according to Philippians 4:13. It is always through Him that we are able to do not on our own. Let me help you take those first steps in your journey of healing and wholeness.
- Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling
- Master of Arts in Practical Ministry
- Four units of Clinical Pastoral Education
- Church Ministry
- Hospice and Hospital Chaplaincy
- Minister of Christian Education