Cindy Lawrence
I have had a desire to help people all of my life. As a Physical Therapist, I was able to help people with their physical needs. Then as a homeschool mom, I was able to help my children with their educational needs. Now as a discipleship counselor, I am able to help people with their spiritual needs. The cool thing is that I don’t have to do it! I can let Christ do it through me! I believe God has given me the ability to speak to people, and often they are willing to open up to me. But for years, I didn’t know what to say. I knew the Bible was the answer, but I didn’t know how to help them. This discipleship counseling not only gives me something to give to others, but it was also an answer to the things with which I struggled. I knew I was to have a relationship with God, but somehow it seemed elusive. I knew salvation was by faith alone and not by works, but I never felt I could never get the “Christian Life” right. I could never do things right or good enough. Because of this, I often doubted my salvation. Also, I was a huge people pleaser. I thought that if people liked me, maybe God did too!
Then a friend shared with me that they were going through this discipleship counseling, and that maybe I should too. Well I made the call, and it’s the best decision I ever made other than trusting Christ as my Savior! It has changed my life! I now KNOW that God loves me, even if I don’t feel like it! I see the lies I tend to believe and how Satan uses them against me. It’s been a battle of lies vs truth since Adam and Eve! Why would it be any different now?! How about you? If you struggle with believing God loves you, are tired of “trying” to get right with God, or desire a better relationship with God, why don’t you give us a call! I’d love to share with you what I’ve learned and I trust the Jesus has much to say to you too!