AGI Women’s Conference 1/11/2025

Note – Registration is closed

What does it mean to live “free in Christ”? How would learning to live totally dependent on Christ affect your decisions and choices? If you are struggling with a relationship, job, or difficult circumstance, how can knowing you are in union with Christ remarkably change your life journey? All these questions and more are answered at our upcoming Women’s Grace Life Conference.

Enter your information below to register for this Group Study.

Deadline to sign up is January 3rd, 2025! Space is limited!

Date: Saturday, January 11, 2025

Time:  9am – 3pm


Bonclarken Conference Center
500 Pine Drive
Flat Rock NC 28731

(Reservations can be made to stay at Bonclarken for a night or two by on the website, or by calling the Conference Center at 828-692-2223.)

Cost: $35 (includes lunch and a downloadable PDF manual)


Will be emailed approximately one week before the Conference, in PDF format.

If you want a printed manual, PLEASE print your own manual for the Conference, as printed manuals WILL NOT be provided 😀

Contact: Kathy Wilkinson ([email protected]) with any questions.

Payment: You can choose to pay $35 online when you register or mail a check made out to
Abundant Grace International.

If paying by check, please add this in the memo section of your check: “Women’s Retreat on 1/11/25”

Mail to:
Abundant Grace International
477 F Haywood Rd
Greenville SC 29607

Payments are processed securely by Stripe.

Abundant Grace International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Christ centered discipleship counseling ministry founded in 2012

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